Colonic treatment details and procedureWhy Colon Hydrotherapy?
A healthy intestine is a basis for a healthy body
- Cleaning the intestines through colon hydrotherapy
- Change in diet
- Physical exercise
Why is colon hydrotherapy beneficial?
The indigestible portion of the food you eat lodges in the large intestine and stays there until eliminated in a bowel movement. Infrequent movements or constipation can lead to partial decomposition of these waste substances, which encrust the colon and further hinder elimination.
These toxins in the waste substances are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, lowering the body’s defence against bacteria and viruses.
The body strains to fight against these poisons, and if the effort is too great, various organs or even whole systems can break down.
Colon Hydrotherapy can help restore the normal balance of the digestive system.
Colonic Treatment
The indigestible portion of the food you eat lodges in the large intestine and stays there until eliminated in a bowel movement. Infrequent movements or constipation can lead to partial decomposition of these waste substances, which encrust the colon and further hinder elimination.
The toxins in the waste substances are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, lowering the body’s defense against bacteria and viruses. The body strains to fight against the poisons, and if the effort is too great, various organs or even whole systems can break down.
- Gently cleansing the colon of the harmful waste matter and associated toxins, and enabling the colon to function correctly.
- Exercising the colon and improving peristalsis (muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract).
- Reshaping the colon. Abnormal conditions inside the colon tend to alter its shape, which can cause problems.
- Eliminating bulging pockets of waste and narrowed spastic constrictions.
- Stimulating reflex points, to the benefit of corresponding body parts. (The colon connects to every system and organ of the body via reflex points.)
Dotolo – A better understanding of Treatment and Procedure
What are the symptoms of elimination issues?
Apart from infrequent bowel movements or constipation, early indications of this war against waste may include sallow skin, nervous irritability, coated tongue, bad breath, offensive body odor, headaches, bloating, poor appetite, indigestion, and stomach heaviness.
Are there any treatment after-effects?
Colon hydrotherapy has a profound cleansing effect on the body. You may experience a strong
If you have had certain conditions, such as habitual constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, for a while, you may experience tiredness for a couple of days after the first session. The irrigation stirs up toxins, which in some cases may cause nausea, dizziness or nervousness. Usually, this indicates that the body is continuing
Is there clinical evidence?
The detailled link has been put together by GPact with the purpose of keeping it’s members abreast on the latest clinical research conducted globally for Colon Hydrotherapy advancement, as well as adjunct therapies that may be of importance to many.
Click this link for more Information.
Study with Herrmann Colon Hydromat comfort has been published.
Now we have the scientific evidence that Colon-Hydro-Therapy has a proven cleansing effect on the colon (large intestine) and thereby improves the quality of a colonoscopy.
Our special thanks go to Prof. Dr. Niels Teich and his team from Leipzig, who carried out this study with our Colon Hydromat comfort device and our support.
The information in this advice section is intended for informational purposes only, and is meant to help users better understand specific applications. Information is based on review of manufacturers information, historical practice patterns, and independant clinical experience. This information should not be interpreted as specific medical advice.
Users should consult with a qualified healthcare provider for specific questions regarding therapies, diagnosis and/or health conditions, prior to making therapeutic decisions.
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