Ozone Therapy Treatment VideosNormobaric Ozone Therapy:
Shown in this video is the procedure of N
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Shown in this video is the procedure of the Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy with the
(using vacuum to withdraw blood and positive pressure to re-inject blood)
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Asher Milgrom, Phd – CEO and Chief Scientist Amaregenmed showcases how Ozone 10 pass procedure is treating Lyme Disease
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Dr. Frank Shallenberger explains Hyperbaric Ozone Treatment
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Asher Milgrom, PhD – CEO and Chief Scientist Amaregenmed in Beverley Hills discusses ozone therapy – “The 10 Pass Device”
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
OHT by Dr. Johann Lahodny. Operating with our Hyper Medozon comfort model. 2 passes in only 7 minutes.
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Asher Milgrom, PhD – CEO and Chief Scientist Amaregenmed in Beverley Hills discusses ozone therapy – Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Stem Cells and Ozone.
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Testing the green machine – showing how the air trap works
Paola Dziwetzki thepowerofozone and Marius Herzog at the HAB Herrmann manufacturing facility in Germany.
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Testing the green machine – Filling a syringe at 55 mcg-ml
Paola Dziwetzki thepowerofozone.com and Marius Herzog at the HAB Herrmann manufacturing facility in Germany
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Testing the green machine – with two different ozone analysers
Paola Dziwetzki thepowerofozone.com and Marius Herzog at the HAB Herrmann manufacturing facility in Germany
Hyperbaric 10 pass Ozone Therapy:
This instructional video describes what is meant by 10 pass and how it is administrated
Paola Dziwetzki thepowerofozone.com
Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Asher Milgrom, PhD – CEO and Chief Scientist Amaregenmed in Beverley Hills showcases how Ozone therapy – healed DSAP & stopped Seizures
How clinical studies with Covid patients using Ozone
Dr Hyman USA discusses the use of ozone in Italy with Dr Paolo Tordiglione Italy
Lyme Disease - Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Dom Waterson demonstrates how the IO pass ozone hyperbaric treatment is administered health bunker
Nursing practitioners using Ozone
Here Senior nurse and health professional clinic manager Aaron Carnahan discusses his background an the work he now does using various ozone treatments in his daily routine health bunker
Lyme Disease - Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:
Client Tim Walker with no sysmtoms or any medical diagnosis discusses how he has and is using IV ozone in his daily routine health bunker
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