Basic understanding of this therapy

What is Ozone?

Ozone is an allopathic form of oxygen – it is O3 instead of O2. It is like a “super-charged” form of oxygen. It is normally present in the atmosphere as the ozone layer, which acts to protect us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ozone is the most powerful oxidizer known to man as it powerfully neutralises free radicals

Ozone therapy works by disrupting unhealthy processes occuring in the body, for example if you have an infection in your body ozone therapy can stop it from spreading

Ozone is produced naturally in the environment in nature oxygen is released from plants and sea plankton during photosynthesis oxygen floats upward into the atmosphere and in turn is converted into ozone by ultraviolet radiation.

The most common method of ozone generation is corona discharge whereby oxygen is passed through a chamber and a high voltage electical charge is administered.

ug/ml = 1 mg/m3 = 1 gamma (these terms are equal, no conversion is necessary)

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Medical ozone/oxygen therapy?

The chemical gas Ozone was first discovered in 1840, but it was not until the First World War when Ozone gas mixtures were employed by German surgeons to heal wounds and fistulae that the medical application of Ozone therapy actually began. It was later also found to be an excellent de-odorizor, which considering the time of almost 100 years ago, was an amazing benefit in itself. Before the era of modern surgery and medicine one of the most troublesome problems for primitive medicine was the “ichorous stench” of many large cancers and infected, gangrenous wounds.

The clinical application of Ozone/Oxygen mixtures rapidly and effectively solved this vexing problem. Technically, medical Ozone therapy is a form of Bio Oxidation therapy, but since Ozone has such special properties it is commonly discussed separately. Ozone was subsequently applied to improving the air quality within and around municipal slaughter-houses in Europe and is still the main and preferred method for water purification in many European countries. It is preferred because the residue left in the drinking water does not have the toxicity or cancer causing properties of the chlorine compounds used in the U.S. Since its slow beginnings, steady progress has been made in understanding the chemical properties, various medical applications and potential human and environmental toxicity of Ozone gas mixtures.1

Today it is medically applied using several techniques and in varying, but very low concentrations. At the beginning of this new millennium (2001) there are active Medical Ozone Societies in Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy, UK, Switzerland, Holland and a growing International Ozone Society that includes a number of European trained and certified American physicians currently employing Medical Ozone in the United States.

Is Ozone toxic?

Ozone is one chemical form or “allotrop” of Oxygen. Molecular Oxygen consists of two atoms of Oxygen (O + O) forming one di-atomic molecule of Oxygen (O2). Ozone consists of three atoms of Oxygen, which form the tri-atomic molecule of Ozone (O3). While it is true that Ozone can be toxic, it is also just as true that Ozone is essential for life on earth.

The high altitude Ozone layer, scientifically called the Ozonosphere, actually protects us from the toxic effects of cancer causing high energy ultraviolet light from the sun. In modern society this layer is being seriously depleted due to environmental air pollution, with a resultant increase in the incidence of skin cancers, cataracts, lung diseases and immune deficiency-dysregulation diseases. Interestingly, it is because the Ozonosphere is being depleted that we are seeing more Ozone show up in air pollution closer to the ground. The higher energy Ultraviolet sunlight passing through the now defective high altitude Ozonosphere causes atmospheric oxygen to react with man-made nitric oxides from fossil fuels and this leads to the production of toxic levels of Ozone in the air we breathe. Thus, the amount of Ozone in our air is actually a measure of the overall degree of other pollutants, but not really a cause of pollution in itself

Like anything used in medicine, Ozone has both beneficial and potential toxic effects. The common question about Ozone toxicity usually has to do with inhaling excessive Ozone gas. Ozone gas is NEVER used for inhalation in medical therapy! In fact, very specific and strict avoidance of any inhalation of Ozone is practiced when Medical Ozone/Oxygen therapy is used. In reality, when Ozone is used medically it is actually administered as a gas mixture of Ozone and Oxygen. Ozone concentrations used in the medical mixture are delivered in the microgram (Homeopathic or thousandths of a milligram) range, depending on the specific clinical effect desired. Thus, the toxicity of modern Medical Ozone therapy is usually limited to minor irritation or pain at the injection site (see below).

Is Ozone Therapy safe?

There are thousands of references documented in the medical literature on the safe use of medical ozone therapy or oxygen therapy from doctors and professionals around the world. 

Here are just a few:

There are over 3,000 references in the German literature showing it safe, successful use in over 50 years of application to humans during millions of dosages.

German Medical Society has published that 384,775 patients were treated with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! This is the lowest side effect rate in existence.

Report also stated – “The majority of adverse health effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)”.The University of Innsbruck’s Forensic Institute published Dr. Zacob dissertation quoting this in The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany.

International Ozone Association information and the Machine Manufacturer Reference report over 7,000 MEDICAL DOCTORS in Europe using medical ozone safely and effectively, some for more than 40 years.

There are several methods of ozone administration

Medical Ozone/Oxygen gas mixture can be applied directly to the target infected tissue using a protective covering. In addition, it can be carefully mixed with a specific amount of blood previously withdrawn from the body and then re-infused (German method), injected intramuscularly or dissolved in a dextrose-in-water carrier solution and infused by intravenous feeding (Russian method). Using either a moderate volume of the patient’s own blood (100 to 250 cc’s or 3 to 8 ounces) or an intravenous feeding of an Ozone/Oxygen infused carrier solution of dextrose-in-sterile water is referred to as “Major Auto-Hemotherapy.” Intramuscular injection of 2 to 10 cc’s of the patient’s own blood mixed with Ozone/Oxygen is referred to a “Minor Auto-Hemotherapy.” Medical Ozone/Oxygen therapy can also be administered by rectal insufflation or as a topical ointment in olive oil.

Each of these specific methods has it’s own proper clinical application, benefits, drawbacks and cost. The specific method of administration chosen for any particular patient is based on the particular condition being treated, desired effects and other unique, individual factors.

How does it work?

Medical Ozone directly stimulates oxidative metabolism within cells and organelles inside the cells. In addition, it directly increases the production of energy by increasing cellular ATP production by up to 40%. It also directly enhances anti-oxidant defenses, stimulates oxidative decarboxylation, improves blood lipid (cholesterol) levels, increases blood oxygen levels, improves tissue oxygen extraction, oxygen utilization and enhances oxidative detoxification of biological and chemical pollutants.

Clinically Medical Ozone/Oxygen therapy has also been shown to: 1) improve cytokine production by immune cells;1-4,9,12 2) disinfect and sterilize infected wounds and gangrene;1,9 3) improved tissue oxygenation due to the increase in 2, 3 DPG (diphosphglycerate) in red cells shifting the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve in favor of releasing the oxygen to the tissues;1,9 4) improve cancer immune surveillance and help with cancer (adjuvant) therapy;1,3,7,8,9,11,12 5) improve bone density in osteoporosis;1,5 6) stimulate cellular immune function;1,4,9,12 7) modulate excessive humoral (antibody) activity in rheumatic and inflammatory diseases;1,9 8) kill the HIV and other viruses;1,6,9 9) provide important ant-inflammatory activity;1,9 and 10) improve wound healing.1,9,10

What conditions can ozone therapy be useful for

Circulation Disorders Including:1,9,10

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Cerebral (Brain) Vascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease

Diabetes Vascular Disorders

Infectious Diseases Including:1,9

Acute and Chronic Wound Infections

Chronic Viral Infections

Parasitic Infections

Chronic Unresponsive Bacterial Infections

Chronic Yeast Infections

Chronic Osteomyelitis

Chronic Cystitis

Chronic Skin Ulcers

Acute and Chronic Viral Hepatitis

Immune Disorders Including:1-4,9,12

Chronic Fatigue-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS)

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Connective Tissue Diseases

Radiation Therapy



Immune Stimulation

Inflammatory Conditions Including:1,9


Anal Eczema/Fissures

Rheumatic Conditions




Hepatitis, Acute and Chronic

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Alzheimers-Like Senile Dementia

Anti-Aging Immune Stimulation

Cerebral Sclerosis

Parkinson’s Disease

Geriatric Conditions

Veterinary Medicine

Wound Healing

What about safety and side effects?

The safety of Medical Ozone has been studied extensively in the past ninety years by the Germans, Russians and other European Ozone Societies. With proper training and credentials and used in appropriate conditions, the modern use of Ozone therapy is extremely safe. In the past when the gas was directly administered into a vein or artery rare cases of gas embolism or “air bubble embolus” occurred and was related to stroke, heart attack and other acute vascular accidents. Since this method has been abandoned over the past 30 years safety of properly prepared Medical Ozone therapy has been limited to occasional temporary local vein and/or tissue irritation, reduction of blood B-vitamin levels (20%) and red blood cell hemolysis if too large a concentration is applied to extra-corporeal (outside-the-body) blood Ozonation (German method).


Viebahn Renate. The Use of Ozone in Medicine, 2nd revised edition. 1987. Karl F. Haug Publishers GmbH & Co. Heidleberg, Germany.

Bocci V and Paulson L. Studies on the Biological Effects of Ozone: 1. Induction of Interferon a on Human Leukocytes. Heamatologica. 1990;75:510-515.

Bocci V, Paulson L, Luzzi E. Studies on the Biological Effects of Ozone: 2. Induction of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-a) on Human Leukocytes. Lymphokine and Cytokine Research. 1991;10:409-412.

Bocci V. Ozonation of Blood for the Therapy of Viral Diseases and Immunodeficiencies. A Hypothesis. Medical Hypothesis. 1992;39:30-34.

Riva-Sanseverino E. The Influence of Ozone Therapy on the Remineralization of Bone Tissue in Osteoporosis. Ozonachrichten. 1987;6:75-82.

Freeberg Jk and Carpendale MT. Ozone Inactivates Extracellular Human Immunodeficinecy Virus at Non-Cytotoxic Concentrations. OzoNachrichten. 1988;7:14-20.

Sweet F, Kao MS and Lee S -Ch.D Ozone Selectively Inhibits Growth of Human cancer Cells. Science. 1958;208:931.

Tietz Ch. Ozontherapie als Adjuvans in der Onkologie. OzoNachrichen. 1983;2:4.

Viebahn R. The Biochemical Processes Underlying Ozone Therapy. Ozone: Sci. Eng. 1985;7:275-285.

Viebahn R. The Efficacy of Medical Ozone in Improving Circulation: Biochemical Aspects. International Ozone Association Congress, September 9-12, 1985. Tokyo

Washüttl J, Viebahn R, and Steiner I. The Influence of Ozone on Tumor Tissue in Comparison with Healthy Tissue (in vitro). Ozone. Sci. Eng. 1990;12:318.

Zanker T and Kurt S. Differential Effects of Ozone on Human Tumor and Human Immune Competent Cells. 2nd International Conference on Anticarcinogenesis and Radiation Protection – Abstracts- National Bureau of Standards. March 8-12, 1987. Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.

The information in this advice section is intended for informational purposes only, and is meant to help users better understand specific applications. Information is based on review of manufacturers information, historical practice patterns, and independant clinical experience. This information should not be interpreted as specific medical advice. 

Users should consult with a qualified healthcare provider for specific questions regarding therapies, diagnosis and/or health conditions, prior to making therapeutic decisions.


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