Hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy

Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy


Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy with the Medozon comfort device is a procedure that uses vacuum to withdraw blood and positive pressure to re-inject blood. It is the one used in the ten pass procedure.

What is ten pass procedure?

The ‘Ten Pass’ was developed by a senior European Physician, Dr. Johann Lahodney. His research showed that high dose ozone was helping his patients heal faster from skin wounds, infections, pain, tinnitus and other chronic diseases such a Lyme. His research also suggests that OHT releases stem cells. Other Doctors and patients using Ten Pass are reporting improvement with their Lyme disease symptoms, depression, energy levels, sleep quality, herpes, erectile dysfunction and a variety of other medical conditions.


How is ten pass procedure administered?

The ozone treatment takes about 2 hours, in which high doses of ozone are given intravenously. Infusio believes the most superior form of delivery, involves removing about 6-7 ounces of blood into a vacuum bottle, pressurizing it with oxygen/ozone gas at a concentration of about 70 mcg/cc and returning it rapidly to the patient. (This is one pass). This process is then repeated 10 times giving you up to 140000 mcg of ozone.


Our medical team likes to give the following advice for your Ten Pass session:

Drink at least 3 cups of water 30 minutes prior to starting each session.

Drink plenty of water just prior to and during the Ten Pass session.

Inform the staff of any medications you may be using, especially any blood thinners such as aspirin.

Before commencing Ten Pass you will receive a short health check Bioscan.

To perform the treatment safely, heparin is used. Heparin can interfere with clotting for up to 12 hours. For this reason, please let us know if you have a source of active bleeding such as any fresh wounds, nose bleeds, haemorrhoids, menstruation, etc.

Your blood pressure will be monitored before and sometimes during the session.

Once all ten passes have been received, an IV cocktail containing Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and B vitamins complete the therapy.

After the procedure, a small compression bandage will be applied to the injection site. You must leave this in place for 6hrs to prevent bruising or bleeding.

To anyone who is planning on getting 10 Pass:

Make sure the attending doctor is informed about all the possible side effects of heparin. Ask him/her straight out: Can you list the possible side effects of heparin? Or: How do you recognize an adverse reaction to heparin?

The doctor should be able to name the most important adverse effects. You should get the impression that the doctor is aware of them and knows what to do when they occur.

Heparin is a relatively safe drug. Dr Lahodny, who invented the 10 Pass even ascribes a therapeutical effect to heparin.

But it is a prescription drug and, it does have side effects, a whole bunch of them as it turns out, see here: https://www.drugs.com/sfx/heparin-side-effects.html .

The 10 Pass calls for 20,000 Units of heparin, which is significant.

The more popular the 10 Pass becomes, the more people there will be who develop side effects. It is a statistical certainty. This is why it is important that doctors are present during the 10 Pass: to make sure that everything runs smoothly and when complications arise, that they know what to do.

All the symptoms he developed during the 10 Pass can be found under the above link. The doctor who I am told has several decades worth of experience with ozone should have known about them.

The patient did not experience any adverse reactions to ozonated saline IVs. So it is clear, it was the heparin.


Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:

Dr. Frank Schallenberger explains Hyperbaric Ozone Treatment.                        


Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:

OHT by Dr. Johann Lahodny. Operating with the Hyper Medozon comfort model demonstrating 2 passes in only 7 minutes. 

Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:

This is a demonstation of how Ozone 10 pass procedure is treating Lyme Disease

Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy:

Asher Milgrom, PhD – CEO and Chief Scientist  Amaregenmed in Beverley Hills discusses ozone therapy – “The 10 Pass Device” 



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