Colon Hydrotherapy Training

Colon Hydrotherapy learning with Dotolo Europe ensures clear professional standards along with the flexibility to develop at your pace. Using our training modules will also help you decide how best to develop your own business model

As a colon hydrotherapist you will develop a well-rounded awareness and expertise as a digestive consultant

The great thing about learning with us is the clear professional standards we provide along with the flexibility of the training courses;

Being modular also enable continuous professional development at your own pace and will help you decide how to develop your own business model.

The colon hydrotherapy training course offers not just the basic skills, but also a well-rounded awareness and expertise of a digestive consultant.

You’ll find that you can help clients improve lifestyle, diet and digestive management. Our course covers the overall social picture of health and diet.  We cover abdominal massage for effective colon hydrotherapy, use of probiotics, enzymes and other supplements.

We have the flexibility to provide courses according to the needs of our students.  Courses can be delivered in other parts of the UK as well as overseas by special arrangement.

The pre study course is broken down into bite-sized chunks, so you can learn at your own pace.

Changing your career can feel slightly scary, knowing the right steps to take you’ll start moving forward, finding things easier. At Dotolo you will be taught by leading professionals with experience as therapists/clinic owners with their own successful practices.

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